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Donating stock to charity using CharityEVO’s platform pays big dividends
If you’re interested in maximizing the benefit to both yourself and the organization you’re contributing to, donating CharityEVO generated stocks can be a win-win situation.

Donating stock generated through CharityEVO’s propritary platform allows you to create tax deductions, retain your principal and ultimately make a larger contribution to the nonprofit.

A donation of stock allows you to deduct the full market value of the
gift from your taxable income. Essentially, you’re taking equity created through CharityEVO’s prorietary platform and converting it into deductions that will provide tax savings.

Increase Tax Write Off Potential
Cut The Time Required To Get The Same Charitable Donation In Half
Create Equity In Exciting Growth Companies For Large Tax Deductions
Stay Confident Your Charitable Giving Is In Good Hands
Who we are

An organization devoted to helping charities create better fundraising methods

What we do

We help charities, donors and the growth company community by providing a powerful new system to raise funds for both and create tax deductions.

How we do it

CharityEvo has relationships with institutional investment banks, exciting growth companies and charitable donors

CharityEVo is dedicated to improving the lives of entrepreneurs who are building companies and raising big capital by bringing in institutional investment banks, delivering effective programs and services, providing results oriented support and advocating programs tied to Charities for huge achievements.

Building a future in which exciting growth companies, philanthropists, institutional investment banks and charities live in harmony within the same eco-system for the same goals.

We will offer CharityEVO’s proprietary platform to any and all organizations aligned with our values, and make available the transformative power of technology to elevate their missions and visions within their communities and around the world.